Friday, January 18, 2008


Well No School today, they are having a teacher professional day. So we ran a few errands and now Ernie and Zac have went to a dog show with a friend of ours. I got to stay home and watch Mustang, (our 9 month old Puppy) I am thinking I will actually go into my scrapbook room and get to scrapbooking. I did not get a page done yesterday so I may be behind a page.

This pictures is Mustang laying on the couch with her I love my dog blanket and she has a daddy's hunting sock as those are her favorite chew toys.

She is 9 months old and I started showing her at 6 months old, I was able to finish her into a UKC ( United Kennel Club) grand show champion at 8 months old. We are very proud of her and she is very spoiled. She is still our house puppy and who knows if she will ever go out.

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